Meiro's product updates for August 16th
Hey there ✌️
Excited to share some cool new features and improvements
we've made to make your experience even better 😎 Meiro
is still in beta, but not for long.
What's new
Create quizzes and tests with your
Before, you could make interactive things about anything
with one click. Now, you can make quizzes and tests with
your own writing and files. To do this, just copy and
paste your writing or upload your PDF/DOCX file. Then,
Meiro will take care of everything ✨
You can use it to test what you know or make a fun quiz
about things you read, books, blog posts, or anything
else you like.
Here are some friendly tips to help you get started:
If you work in HR, you can upload your onboarding
documents and test how well your employees have
absorbed the material
If you're a teacher or coach, you can upload your
lesson summaries or educational materials to check
your students' level of understanding
If you're in marketing, you can upload a product
description and see how well your customers know
your product.
But don't feel limited to these suggestions - feel free
to get creative and come up with your own way to use
this tool!
Embed your challenge on your website or any
no-code tools like Notion
To add the embed to your desired page, simply copy the
code and paste it. This will work on Notion as well 😉
We really like our style and hope you do too, but we
know it's important for you to create challenges
that match your own style. With our latest update, you
can customize your creations to your liking.
You can change the background color, choose a
custom accent color, pick a color for the button and
frame, and more.
Generate interactive content in French and
You can now make quizzes or tests in six languages:
English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Russian
🇬🇧 🇩🇪 🇫🇷 🇮🇹 🇪🇸 🇷🇺
But we're not stopping there — let us know which
languages you'd like to see added next!
Go ahead and try out all the fetures on
and let us know what you think!
We are currently working on integrating
something and are excited to reveal it in
the next episode. Stay tuned!